親子・男女・今昔・生死、昼夜… そうしたものを繋ぐものは何か。ある夏の日の物語を元に、そんなテーマをフォークソングのスタイルにのせて歌う。アルバム「Erase My Trace」のラストに収録された曲のショートバージョン。
Parents and children, men and women, past and present, life and death, day and night… what connects these things? Based on the story of a certain summer day, sing such a theme in the style of folk songs. A short version of the last song on the album “Erase My Trace”.
『くまちゃんに捧ぐバラード』 作詞作曲 Bunny Boy Williamson 君が大切なものを無くす事もあるだろう 風に揺れる森のように心ざわめく日もあるだろう 破れたポケットの中の手を握りしめて 夜の欠けた月を見て涙で夢を拭う日もあるだろう 君が最愛の人を失う日もいつかくるだろう 雨の中に天使の羽の濡れる日もあるだろう 白い月に隠れるようにベッドの端で眠り まぶたの裏に流れ星を数える日も時にはあるだろう Don’t lose your mind そんな時 君が願えば Your Kuma-chan will be back to you 百万人が踊り明かした夜の森の奥へ その輝く花とくまちゃんを探す男たち 月が君の未来を照らすかの如く信じてた 人並み掻き分け進む君のパパの背中を見ていたよ Don’t Lose your mind 忘れないで 君が願えば Your Kuma-chan will be back to you かけがえのない友に別れを告げる日もあるだろう こんなはずじゃなかったと神様を呪う日も来るだろう 日陰の道に暮れる夕焼けと歩む日もあるだろう この街の全ての愛を歌に込めて家路に着く日もあるだろう Don’t Lose your mind 恐れないで 君が願えば Your Kuma-chan will be back to you Your Kuma-chan is always with you, will be next to you
[Ballad for Your Kuma-chan] written by Bunny Boy Williamson You might lose something important Like a forest swaying in the wind, there will be days when my heart is agitated Clutching the hand in my torn pocket There will be days when I see the waning moon in the night and wipe my dreams with tears The day will come when you lose the one you love There will be days when angel wings get wet in the rain Sleeping on the edge of the bed to hide in the white moon There will be days when you count the shooting stars behind your eyelids Don’t lose your mind At such times, if you wish… Your Kuma-chan will be back to you To the depths of the night forest where a million people danced all night Those shining flowers and the men looking for Kuma-chan I believed that the moon would illuminate your future I was watching your daddy's back as he pushed through the crowd Don’t Lose your mind Don't forget, if you wish… Your Kuma-chan will be back to you There will be days when you say goodbye to an irreplaceable friend The day will come when I curse God that it wasn't supposed to be like this There will be days when I walk with the sunset on a shaded road Someday I'll be home with all the love in this town in a song Don’t Lose your mind Don't be afraid, if you wish… Your Kuma-chan will be back to you Your Kuma-chan is always with you, will be next to you